Don’t be like that.

Being wronged is often a topic in the Daily Stoic newsletter. It’s happened to everyone. Others do things that affect you negatively, and you can’t control that. However, you can control your reaction. Witness when Marcus Aurelius wrote “the best revenge is to not be like that.”

Let’s explore what not to be.

When he arrived, he possessed a background that was irrelevant to the role he ultimately held. He spoke in a way that was maniacal and precluded questions. His focus was politics rather than proficiency. It worked.

In a short period of time he achieved a title, compensation and visibility that was enviable and execrable.

He tattered reputations, created a culture of fear and retribution, and left things light years behind a curve that could have been carefully navigated.

His arrival and ascent was heralded loudly and frequently. His departure, not recognized at all.

Don’t be like that.

  • Don’t claim competency you don’t possess.

  • Never promote yourself at the expense of others.

  • Listen, and answer questions.

  • Admit you when you are wrong.

  • Leave things better than you found them.


Lost lessons.


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