Teams are fun!

I started a new job in January of 2011.  It was a new industry, a new city and a new group of people.  A year has gone by and once again I'm amazed at how fun working with talented people focused on doing good work and supporting each other can be.

I'll be 52 this year and I've worked in 6 different industries.  I've collaborated with a lot of great people who have moved on to other jobs creating their own awesome teams.  I'm in touch with many of them and recall with fondness the many accomplishments, disappointments, laughs and conversations we've shared.

When you start a new job you wonder if the connections will be there and if work will be as fun as it has been in the past. 

The answer is yes thankfully.  I take myself a lot less seriously than I did in the past and that's probably helping.


Don’t be like that.


Delivering Happiness