Delivering Happiness

Well I signed up to receive Tony Hsieh's (CEO of Zappos) new book, Delivering Happiness. True to form, I received 2 copies. So the experience with Tony outside just shoes, has lived up to his and Zappos' reputation for exceeding expectations.

While the apparent ease with which Tony has accomplished so much at such a young age is humbling, his revelations about crafting a life and job around what is viscerally important to him is motivating and insightful.

Always intrigued by packaging, and a good title is just that, I see many applications to the information contained in the book on a personal and professional level. My key takeaways are as follows:

  • You've succeeded if you are known or remembered for Delivering Happiness, no matter what your job.
  • Don't focus on the rewards, focus on the fun involved in the goal itself.
  • Do the research, do the math, do the pros and cons and go with your gut.
  • Surround yourself with people you like, you can learn from and whose principals align with yours.
  • New things are generally not as complicated as others seem to want to make them.
  • Don't give up if it's important to you.
  • If you laugh hard at least once a day, you're in the right job.
  • Do less, be more. You must have balance in your life. Can't be all things to all people, but you can be all things to yourself...if you're happy.
There are other insights such as the lessons of poker applied to business, putting your money where your mouth is, walking the talk, recognizing talent and viewing the future as full of opportunity.

By the end of the read you'll wish you could meet Tony at Taco Bell and become a friend of his. So go get yourself a copy, I gave my extra one away!

Teams are fun!


No such thing as overnight success.