No such thing as overnight success.

In April of this year (2009) the company I worked for in financial services, declared bankruptcy.

After shutting down the marketing operations, I left in May. It was sad to leave the team I had built and to deconstruct the great work we had done together. I didn't want to relocate, so I was faced with trying to find a job in a small town, in a bad economy in a sparsely populated state with record unemployment.

Who doesn't like a challenge, right?

The very day I left my job I started work at a desk in a friend's office. Almost every day for the past 6 months I have gone to work there. I have sent tons of applications into cyberspace, I have sent "pitch kits" to people I was convinced would be interested in what I could offer (they weren't), and I've donated time to causes I'm interested in, hoping to make both a difference and some good connections.

Unbeknownst to me, I'm not that bad at sales, something I've actively avoided until now. By being willing to be rejected, I've stumbled upon some niche opportunities.

Friends have offered me consulting projects which have keep my brain active and people I didn't know before have been both kind, supportive and gracious. My husband has kept my spirits from flagging and the dogs act like they don't know what's going on, so are happy every day. A dachshund's approach to morning is something to witness and learn from I'm sure.

I'm not sure how much longer I'll be at this, but I am starting to reap the benefits of the past six month's activity. This I know for sure - there is no such thing as overnight success.


Delivering Happiness


It's my job.