The magic of a plan.

Why don't more people have a plan? For their money, for their careers, for their retirement? It's because there's an adrenaline rush in reacting to what happens every day. I've witnessed people who make entire careers out of creating and solving their own crises. The fact they are always stressed out and seemingly frantic makes others overlook the fact they're not actually accomplishing anything.

We're all busy, and every day we have to react to information shoved at us via the media, e-mail, voice mail, our bosses, or peers, our families and our friends. We react all day long - and many people easily excuse themselves from planning ahead by saying they don't have time. But, that's a cop-out.

If you find yourself wanting something (a promotion, a relationship, weight loss), make a plan. If you find yourself in a situation you didn't expect, make a plan for how you'll be prepared next time. If you want to retire early - make a plan.

Planning is known to achieve results; and plans can be changed - they can be adjusted - they move with you! Plans are necessary to accomplishing goals. Write it down, reference it often and adjust as necessary. Knowing where you want to go is critical information to getting there.

The next time someone with a plan accomplishes something great - please don't say they were "lucky." You make your own luck and the best ingredient you can have to make your luck happen, is a solid plan.


You or the other guy?


The brand of you.